Who Can Benefit from Our Programs

Your Cancer Journey Every person is unique and every circumstance is particular

Our programs at The Cancer Coach™ are designed to support, inspire, and empower individuals and organizations on their journey to a healthier lifestyle and reduced cancer risk. Whether you’re navigating your personal cancer journey, an employer seeking to enhance workplace wellness, an insurance provider aiming to offer superior policyholder benefits, a health and well-being advocate, or simply someone looking to improve your overall health, our Tree of Life Vitality and Cancer Defense and One-on-One Cancer Coaching Programs offer tailored support. From promoting lifestyle changes that improve health outcomes and reduce cancer risk, to providing comprehensive support for those diagnosed with cancer and their caregivers, our evidence-based, professionally developed programs are here to guide you every step of the way.

Jump to the page most relevant to you: Workplace and Employee Benefits Providers; Employers; Insurance Providers: Health, Life, and Income Protection; Health and Well-being Advocates; and Individuals.

Workplace and Employee Benefits Providers

Workplace Well-being and Employee Benefits Providers strive to offer comprehensive services that improve the well-being of employees and customers within an organisation, whether it be physical, psychological, or emotional health. The Cancer Coach™ addresses all three.

By promoting lifestyle interventions and behavioural changes, we work to help people improve their overall health, reduce burnout, and cope with stress, all of which cause significant problems in the workplace.

These changes ultimately translate to lower rates of absenteeism, higher productivity, and happier people who are eager to contribute to the goals and success of their companies.

Our Tree of Life Vitality and Cancer Defense and One-on-One Cancer Coaching Programs help people develop healthier lifestyles that reduce the risk of cancer, improve outcomes during treatment, assist survivors, and support caregivers.

By offering dedicated vitality and cancer defense programs developed and administered by medical professionals, certified Health Coaches, and oncology specialists, you will enhance your current portfolio of products and enable your clients to better serve employees who have received a cancer diagnosis or are reintegrating into the workplace following treatment.

Discover Tree of Life for Workplace and Employee Benefits Providers


Employers who invest in the health and well-being of their employees see higher productivity, fewer absences, and less burnout. They are able to retain their best talent and be an employer of choice when looking to recruit new staff.

Unfortunately, many people who are diagnosed with cancer are of working age, which means major disruptions to the workplace. Organisations who have the right tools to promote cancer prevention can not only reduce these disruptions but also help their employees enjoy better and healthier lives.

The Tree of Life Vitality and Cancer Defense Program guides people toward choices that improve their nutrition, sleep, gut health, exercise, and emotional well-being with a series of on-demand modules.

Tree of Life and our bespoke One-on-One Cancer Coaching program also assist employees who have received a cancer diagnosis, are undergoing treatment, and have survived cancer and are adjusting to their lives post-treatment. Their improved outcomes will allow them to feel physically and emotionally prepared to return to the workplace.

Recognizing cancer as a disability, employers are tasked with a crucial responsibility to support their employees through diagnosis, treatment, and beyond. In regions like the United States, the UK, and Australia, legal frameworks such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and The Equality Act classify cancer as a disability, obliging employers to prevent discrimination and make reasonable accommodations. This legal acknowledgment underlines the importance of creating a supportive work environment that accommodates individuals facing cancer, ensuring they have the necessary adjustments to thrive in their roles. Providing support through programs like Tree of Life not only aligns with these legal requirements but also demonstrates a commitment to employee well-being and inclusion.

Your employees are more likely to succeed when their mental and physical needs are met, and The Cancer Coach™ offers a one-of-a-kind opportunity to better the lives of your team.

Discover Tree of Life for Employers

Insurance Providers: Health, Life, and Income Protection

For health, life, and income protection insurance providers, partnering with The Cancer Coach™ through the Tree of Life Vitality and Cancer Defense Program represents a strategic advancement in offering superior policyholder benefits. This collaboration not only empowers your clients to attain more favourable health outcomes but also significantly diminishes the likelihood of claims, aligning with your objective of fostering a healthier insured community and facilitating a more cost-effective insurance model.

Integrating the Tree of Life Program into your suite of insurance products provides a tangible value-add by granting your customers access to specialized coaching, comprehensive resources, and tailored wellness plans. These tools are designed to guide individuals in adopting a cancer defense lifestyle, emphasizing prevention as the cornerstone of health improvement. Through engaging lessons, interactive activities, and a supportive online community, the Tree of Life Program educates and motivates participants towards making lifestyle choices that not only reduce their cancer risk but also enhance their overall well-being, thereby contributing to a decrease in insurance claims.

For those navigating a cancer diagnosis, the Program, augmented by One-on-One Cancer Coaching, offers a lifeline. It supplies the necessary resources and support to mitigate the adverse effects of cancer treatments and to navigate the journey toward optimal recovery outcomes. This comprehensive approach ensures that your policyholders receive the support they need when they need it the most, enhancing their satisfaction and trust in your insurance products.

Moreover, the Tree of Life Program addresses the critical phase of returning to work post-cancer treatment, which is pivotal for both survivors and employers. It offers guidance and coaching tailored to survivors aiming to reintegrate into their professional lives, thereby facilitating smoother transitions, reducing workplace absences, and mitigating the risk of long-term disability claims. This focus on rehabilitation and return-to-work support underscores your commitment to the holistic well-being of your clients, positioning your insurance offerings as not just financial safety nets but as partners in health and recovery.

Additionally, the Program extends its support to caregivers, acknowledging the significant health toll caregiving can take. By providing resources and coaching to caregivers, the Tree of Life Program helps prevent caregiver burnout and associated health issues, further exemplifying the comprehensive care your insurance products deliver.

Explore how the Tree of Life Program can enhance your insurance offerings and contribute to the well-being of your clients, we invite you to book a demo for your organization. This partnership signifies a forward-thinking approach to insurance, prioritizing preventative health measures, comprehensive support during and post-diagnosis, and a seamless return-to-work process, thereby offering a substantial competitive advantage in the health, life, and income protection insurance market.

Discover Tree of Life for Insurance Providers

Health and Well-being Advocates

Welcome to a year filled with fresh opportunities for transformation and empowerment! At Tree of Life, we’re thrilled to introduce a groundbreaking initiative that’s all about you—the Ambassadors of the Anti-Cancer Movement. This is your chance to become one of 100 ‘Ambassadors of the Anti-Cancer Movement’ and embark on a journey towards an anti-cancer lifestyle and improved well-being.


Who Are the Ambassadors of the Anti-Cancer Movement?

The Ambassadors of the Anti-Cancer Movement share our passion for living an anti-cancer lifestyle: Whether you’ve been directly affected by cancer, as a caregiver of a loved one with cancer, or are dedicated to a preventative lifestyle to reduce your risk of cancer and other chronic illness.


Who Qualifies as an Ambassador of the Anti-Cancer Movement?

The Ambassadors of the Anti-Cancer Movement are health and well-being advocates, influencers, organisations, or individuals who deeply resonate with our mission of embracing an anti-cancer lifestyle. To qualify as an Ambassador of the Anti-Cancer Movement, you must meet one or more of the following criteria:

Working Age: Individuals of working age who are committed to incorporating an anti-cancer lifestyle into their daily routines.

Recently Returned to Work After a Cancer Diagnosis: If you’ve recently triumphed over cancer and are determined to reintegrate into the workforce while maintaining a health-focused lifestyle, you’re a perfect fit.

Diagnosed with Cancer While Working: If you received a cancer diagnosis while actively employed and wish to continue working while focusing on your well-being, this program is designed for you.

Undergoing Cancer Treatment and Want to Stay at Work: If you are currently undergoing cancer treatment and aspire to stay engaged in your work life, our program can support your journey.

Caregiver of a Loved One with Cancer While Being at Work: We understand the challenges faced by caregivers of loved ones battling cancer. If you’re a caregiver and wish to nurture your well-being while continuing your career, you are welcome to join us.

Health and Well-being Advocate or Influencer: If you already promote living a healthy lifestyle and have an audience that could benefit from the Tree of Life Vitality and Cancer Defense Programs, please join us.

We believe that by creating a community of individuals who share a common commitment to an anti-cancer lifestyle, we can collectively drive positive change in the workplace, in our lives and those of others. If you meet any of the above criteria, we invite you to register your interest in becoming an Ambassador of the Anti-Cancer Movement and embark on this transformative journey with us.

Together, we can champion health and improved quality of life!

Discover Tree of Life for Health and Well-being Advocates


The word cancer automatically conjures deep feelings of fear, anxiety, and helplessness. We want to help you reclaim control over your health. The Cancer Coach™ is a source of support and guidance for every aspect of your cancer journey.

We understand that each person’s experience with cancer is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet your needs.

​​You might be trying to adjust your lifestyle to reduce your risk of cancer and other serious diseases.

Perhaps you’ve just been diagnosed and are feeling lost and overwhelmed or you’re in the midst of your treatment and in need of guidance and emotional support to help cope with the emotional and physical side effects of treatments.

If your cancer treatment is complete, you might be experiencing an absence of support now that the medical appointments have ended and the family support unit is returning to their day to day lives.

Or maybe you’re a caregiver who has just received the devastating news that a loved one has cancer. Self care in these circumstances might be difficult to prioritise, and might feel selfish, but it’s so important that you look after yourself to be the best caregiver you can be.

No matter what connection you have to cancer, The Cancer Coach™ is here to help.

The Tree of Life is our revolutionary online, on-demand, and self-guided Vitality and Cancer Defense Program that includes seven on-demand modules focused on the core fundamentals of aspects of health. Through our community features, you can connect with others who are pursuing an anti-cancer lifestyle. Making lifestyle changes as a collective, with communication and support, has shown to be far more effective than doing it alone.

Our One-on-One Cancer Coaching program allows you to connect with a fully qualified, health coaching professional who understands the physical and psychological impacts of cancer and can help you face every phase of your journey.

To get a clearer picture of which is the best fit for you, discover Tree of Life for Individuals and explore One-on-One Cancer Coaching.

Testimonials, Quotes, and Cancer Stories

"My coach provided constant and caring support to myself and family through a very stressful and still surreal time in our lives. Now post-surgery and treatments, I am feeling well and confident that I can maintain good health for many years ahead with the help of the lifestyle advice and tools provided."


"Ever since I was diagnosed with cancer, I felt really isolated. Sharing my story with my cancer coach, who went through a similar journey, made a real difference; for the first time I felt that somebody truly understood what I was going through. The very practical advice in terms of nutrition and lifestyle gave back a sense of confidence and hope."


"I am so happy that I came across The Cancer Coach, it made me a better caregiver for my mother and helped me stay emotionally and physically strong during the process."


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