A Heartfelt Appreciation to HCANZA: Catalysts for Positive Change in Cancer Wellness

Dear Esteemed Friends and Collaborators,

As we bask in the afterglow of the HCANZA Conference 2023, centred around the theme “Driving Positive Change: Harnessing Value through Community Collaboration and Coaching,” we are overwhelmed with gratitude for the unwavering support and promotion of our cancer coaching and wellness programmes, especially the Tree of Life Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Community and Programme.


HCANZA: Pioneers in Co-Creating Universal Health & Wellness

At the heart of our gratitude stands HCANZA, The Health Coaches Australia and New Zealand Association. HCANZA is not merely an association; it is a force dedicated to co-creating universal health and wellness, aligning seamlessly with our mission to empower individuals facing the challenges of cancer. Their commitment, rooted in the World Health Organization’s principles, extends beyond the absence of disease to embrace complete physical, mental, and social well-being.


Mission and Vision: A Blueprint for Empowerment

HCANZA’s mission serves as a guiding light for health and wellness professionals. They are the platform for the unity of the profession of Health & Wellness Coaches in Australia and New Zealand. Their vision echoes the essence of collaboration, unity, respect, integrity, leadership, and belief in the possible. As advocates for comprehensive scientific and competency-based standards, HCANZA is instrumental in shaping the landscape of health and wellness coaching nationally and internationally.


Collaboration in Action: HCANZA and The Cancer Coach

Our collaborative journey with HCANZA reached new heights at the HCANZA Conference 2023. Focused on driving positive change, the conference provided a platform to showcase Tree of Life, our dedicated programme aimed at empowering individuals, Workplace wellness providers, employee assistance programmes (EAPs), employers, Healthcare insurance providers, and cancer treatment providers at every stage of their cancer journey. The Tree of Life Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Community and Programme, a cornerstone of our initiatives, garnered support and attention through HCANZA’s promotion.


A Shared Vision: Towards Universal Health & Wellness

As we extend our heartfelt thanks to HCANZA for being catalysts of positive change, we also express gratitude to all our friends and partners who contribute to the success of our collaborative efforts. Together, we are forging a path towards universal health and wellness, embodying the principles of collaboration, unity, respect, integrity, leadership, and a steadfast belief in the possible.

In the spirit of shared vision and collective empowerment, let us continue to drive positive change and harness the value of community collaboration in the pursuit of universal health and wellness.

With sincere appreciation,
The Cancer Coach

Try Tree of Life for Free or Book a Demo for Your Organisation

🌿 Join the Tree of Life Anti-Cancer Lifestyle Community and Coaching Programme, designed to empower people at every phase of cancer β€” πŸ’ͺ Prevention πŸ₯ Diagnosis and Treatment 🌈 Survivors πŸ€— Caregivers β€” to gather tools, create a solid foundation of health, and live in alignment with your well-being goals! 🌳

Tree of Life is a new health, lifestyle, and anti-cancer community and programme that stands against a growing culture of chronic illness and reduced quality of life. It’s revolutionary because it combines Behaviour Change with The Anticancer Super 6β„’ β€” Stress Management, Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep, Gut Health, and Protection from Toxins β€” to help you improve your quality of life. 🌟

Learn more and sign-up for free here to gain access to πŸ‘₯ Community Forums, πŸ“… Inspiring Instructor-led Events, your own πŸ““ Private Journal, and Module 1 of the anti-cancer lifestyle programme with 1 hour 16 mins of educational πŸ’‘ Informative lesson videos, 181 πŸ“ Workbook exercises, 🧐 Knowledge check, 47 πŸ”§ Toolkit πŸ“– Knowledge Base resources, and πŸŽ“ Professional Health Coaches.

Alternatively, if you’re researching on behalf of an organisation, see how Tree of Life can serve your organisation, book a demo for your organisation today.

Our Cancer Coaching and Tree of Life programmes are beneficial to any individual who has been affected by cancer, including patients undergoing treatment, survivors, caregivers, and people pursuing cancer prevention.

Our programmes are also designed to meet the needs of employers, insurers, workplace wellness providers, and employee assistance programmes who want to offer dedicated cancer and wellness services to their clients, customers, and employees.

Written by Tree of Life by The Cancer Coach

We Support, Inspire, and Empower Workplace and Employee Benefits Providers, Employers, Insurance Providers, Health and Well-being Advocates, and Individuals.

Jan 23, 2024

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