My Cancer Treatment Is Over, Now What Do I Do?

Finishing your treatment for cancer is truly a remarkable moment in your life. But surprisingly, it can actually leave behind a kind of emptiness and uncertainty in what to do next. You may be asking yourself, so why did I get cancer in the first place and what can I do to make sure it doesn’t come back? That’s where a Cancer Coach can help, The Cancer Coach work with cancer patients and those affected by cancer to help them through treatment, support them on their recovery journey and assist them in making the necessary lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of cancer returning.
Our Cancer Coaching and Tree of Life programmes are beneficial to any individual who has been affected by cancer, including patients undergoing treatment, survivors, caregivers, and people pursuing cancer prevention.

Our programmes are also designed to meet the needs of employers, insurers, workplace wellness providers, and employee assistance programmes who want to offer dedicated cancer and wellness services to their clients, customers, and employees.

Written by Tree of Life by The Cancer Coach

We Support, Inspire, and Empower Workplace and Employee Benefits Providers, Employers, Insurance Providers, Health and Well-being Advocates, and Individuals.

May 11, 2022


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